Saturday, November 19, 2005

Blog Jammin'

With only an hour or so to go until the big marathon begins, I decided to rant about my week since Tuesday.

So I basically had two whole pages of the Leeg to myself this week. And not because I did a two-pager Mag Page... but my article on the Bluth's and their cancellation was opposite my page which I wrote everything for. It was odd seeing my name plastered on the collegian, but it was also really sexy. That and my two articles (the other being the Death of the Video Rental Buisness Via Stores) were pretty decent.

I also got to visit Colleen twice this week on my own. It was sexy. The one time was pre-New Brain! and was all too short. I almost skipped out to stay, but I am a devoted host to absurdity and went. The next night we watched one of the most clever and most hilarious films of all time-- Living in Oblivion. With it's scary scenes of Buscemi freaking out and not wearing a shirt to the hilarious James Le Gros and the amazing life altering Hamburger scene, it was a good night. I like this Colleen girl a lot. She's really awesome and just the girl that I have been looking for (even tho in an earlier blog I said I wasn't looking, but Schopenhaur was right... can't change who we are... just look at this guy in this film.) But yea... Colleen pretty much makes me smile in a way I haven't in many months (take that however you like... but you might be wrong.) And kudos to you, Colleen, for doing that. So many good times lie ahead no matter what it might be in store for the both of us. We rock... SO hard! is way too addictive. I've had my account for, like, 4 days. And I aready check it more than facebook. Kinda creepy, but seeing what music I listen to days after I listened to it is awesome. The battle between The Who and The Stones is raging forth. I guess I have more Stones on my computer than I thought (altho I only have one album... its all those Live albums I inherited that are pretty rockin'.) As of now, my top 5 is The Who, The Stones, Beck, XTC and Death Cab for Cutie. Once I have this thang for at least a few months or even a few weeks, I may have to rethink my favorite artists. Of course, I go through phases, but who knows, maybe I will find out I like XTC more than Beck because I listen to them a lot. A year will tell the real truth to all that jazz.

Also, the Band XTC is pretty amazing. Just a side bar... if you liek The Talking Heads, check em out... they are the British version in some ways (not purely, but they came around the same time and tend to be both New Wave and rockin'.)

Thanksgiving break is almost upon us here. And that means too much socializing for me. But when I say too much, I dont mean that its a bad thing. I just mean that I know Im going to be all over the place and love it. Between hartley on monday with drust (I hope), Bar hoping with Chwastyk (hopefully for a little bit of this), Wednesday poss absurd movie night/blorio with vinyl (who knows at this point!), Turkey day at CCHS and Aunt Ceal and Uncle Bob's (so many games!), and working all weekend with random hang outs here and there, I will be spent! Im ready for it tho. I basically have 6 days off for this break due to my amazing schedule! WOOT!

And now, with just an hour to go, the Marathon is upon me. And, frankly, I'm nervous that I will be stuck with Ben and Matt Juliano for a while. And let me tell you, Ben I can handle, but Matt, can't stand him. And yes, Ill say that here... matt, you suck. Just let me keep a level head and hope and pray that some people I actually enjoy being around come and bring me boxes of joe and donuts (bosteon cream, please) and save me from murdering myself.

So tune in if you read this. It should be good if we get some stuff together. And now, I must prepare for either a great night, or failure.

I leave you with this...

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