Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back to School

"It's the beginning of a new age."~The Velvet Under- ground.

Here it is, folks. The last semester of my collegiate career and the last semester of my life as a student. I am ready for it. It seems like only yesterday when I was walking four blocks to St. John's for grade school. Just a minute ago, I was roaming the halls of Camden Catholic. And seconds ago when I was starting my time at this lovely institution called "La Salle University." Now, the final breathes of my life as a student have started. And it feels good. I have a pretty packed line-up of classes with lots of fresh faces and new professors. I'm coming full circle more or less. In my Contemporary fiction class, Melissa from Puclic Speaking Freshman year is in it along with Lou who was in my first Comm course. I have Oppliger again and Bro. Gerry for the first time. Ray, Romans, Ed, Colleen, Chwastyk and Gwux are also in random classes so It's going to be good.

Currently, I am working on my "thesis" statement. As a Film Track, I think it should be required for us to make a film (although it isn't.) So, I am writing and directing a film which will be titled "Lack of Expectation" as my thesis for my collegiate career. It is based on the styles of Jim Jaramuch's Coffee and Cigarettes and Hal Hartley's Theory of Acheivment. Basically, it's conversations laden with philosophical, existential, bohemian and nonsensical conversation about what life is giving us after this huge institution ends for us.

People expect something out of life. Why? Why do I have to make myself something or someone that I may not necesarily be. I know what I want to persue, but I'm not expecting to do it and be great at it. I hate the question "So, what are you doing after graduation?" I say "I want to focus on right now, not on after graduation." Let me finish this first, then move to the next step. Planning is suposedly good, but why think ahead rather than live in the now. That's basically the jist of the story. It deals with school, friendships, love and other relatonships that appear to be coming to an end, but in reality are just beginning.

The script is coming along well. I enjoy the topics I have addressed and there is a lot of room for people to ad lib or become themselves or someone else through the ideas that I have brought up. It's going to take a lot of work, but I plan on having it done before the end of the semester. It's my own private goal.

On a totally different, yet similar topic, I feel that this "Tralfamadorian" way of thinking is working extremely well. I look at each day for what it is, and each person for who they are at that moment in time, and know that things are fine. Things will work out and if not, it's not in my hands directly. I used to not believe in fate, but I think that has all changed. Especially with my new relationships, I find that it is refreshing to have someone on the same page as you, living in that same moment of time exactly (well, maybe not exactly but similarly) the way that you are. And that is the most important thing in a relationship. If you and the other person have two different mindsets on life, wether it be optimisim, realism, depressed, anxious, etc.. it just won't work. And I may be over confident, but I know that this new relationship is going places that I have needed for a while. And I think they know that too.

So here's to the beginning of the end of the beginning. It's almost time to move on. Until then, I'm going to soak it all up as much as possible.

1 comment:

Werd said...

Agreejous, brotherman. Parents act like they jumped right into their lives right out of college. Fuck that. Gimme some time to decompress, assholes. Gahd!