Friday, January 27, 2006

Y2K Is the single greatest moment in American History

So tonight, after talking with Kevner and Dom about the fabled Y2K video hosted by Leonard Nimoy, I decided it is the moment in our history that makes the USA so great. I wont say anything else, but let reviewers on speak for me. Here are reviews for the Y2K Guide:

"I bought this video at a Gun and Knife show (not here at Amazon) and was told that it was supposed to air on the Discovery Channel but was banned because it's so truthful. True, the video builds up all sorts of potential Y2K disasters which could scare you, however, it does give many reasons why and how this whole crisis could've been at least tackled in the last decade - NOT by waiting until 1999 to Band-Aid the whole computer industry. I was more mad than scared. The Information Technology 'powers that be' have no good excuse for their failure to fix this problem, and this video tells it like it is! The video does make the government seem like liars and that they are white-washing their Y2K readiness disclosures. Only time will tell...and keep your weapons handy. "
~Douchey McFucknut- Gary, Indiana

This is a superb video! As a computer professional, I found the statement of the problem to be clear and accurate. As a mom, I was very impressed with the practical preparations discussed and recommended. Get a copy for all your "Good" friends! "
~Mrs. Ima Fuckinidiot~ Flint, Michigan

"Being a great pessimist, I must say that I feel much better after watching this film. There are things I can easily do to prepare myself and my family for the year 2000. Wish there would have been more detailed information and less visual effects, but overall the film "worked". "
~Mr. Whatever the TV Says Must Be True- Elkton, Maryland

For some reason, these people watched this video and believed it. Watch it sometime with me and see why its amazingly bad and rediculous that anyone could be duped by this event.

P.S.- I ordered the book version of the nimoy vid and a Y2K Cookbook (yes it existed and has a section about mudslides and avalanches in it) to do research for poss Bro. G project.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sweet Jesus

So the beginning of the semester has been quite insane. And yes, I am going to be mad busy this year. And some of this buisness is going to be worth it, and some is just going to be annoying. I guess that's what happens when you get over involved and you pack in some heavy duty classes. So I'm already stressed a bit, but ya know, I'm still going to have a great time. It doesn't help that I'm stuck in New Jersey this last semester. It's times like these when I really miss my brothers at the sexional. So that's about that.

This past weekend was hectic and relaxing at the same time. Friday I worked till midnight (I am almost done with Wow forever!!) Saturday was excellent. I visited Ms. Chambers up in NYC for the day. We rocked out some great Chinese food in China town, saw some awesome stuff at the Met (Rauschenberg was really cool... although I think I spelled that wrong.) We then walked around and she bought a hamster (Catherine! I hear she's addicted to her Catherine Wheel!) and then we lazied it up for the last few hours. It was a really nice escape and Jess is great. Times are good. Sunday sucked with lots of reading and writing, but it all got done.

As for now, I will be at internship doing who knows what. I can't wait for this thing to pick up a bit. Then I have Bro. G class and Collegian. Then off to the sexional for a night of chats with George about life, love and the pursuit of the goods and hopefully some shut eye.

Here's to insanity. Can't wait for Bro. G class to be not meeting for a month!

Also, Happy Birthday Warren Zevon. We'll keep you in our hearts for a while.

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Shape of Toxicity to Come

I usually don't listen to harder rock. But recently, I've discovered two different, yet ultimately hard rockin' bands. Thanks to my partners at Wow, I was introduced to the music of Refused (Jim Boyle) and a System of a Down (Richie). I knew about System but never got passed their singles until he rocked me the entire discography. So I've been listening to them a lot lately. And I decided to rehash my summer love of putting two artists with somewhat similar talents, sounds or outlooks and battling them against each other. Most of them spanned several discs, but this one is a singe disc perspective of these two bands that constitute the hardest rock I listen to. So here is my battle mix aptly titled after the two bands overall best albums, yet constituting songs from several of their other albums and EP's.

First song is Refused, then System and flip flops. In case you get confused.

I introduce to you: The Shape of Toxicity to Come- Refused vs. System of a Down

1. New Noise
2. Innervision
3. Burn It
4. Attack
5. Coup D'Etat
6. Chop Suey!
7. Summerholidays vs. Punkroutine
8. Cubert
9. Worthless is the Freedom Bought
10. Revenga
11. I Am Not Me
12. Boom!
13. The Deadly Rhythm
14. Jet Piloit
15. Refused are Fucking Dead (EP Version)
16. Chic 'N' Stu
17. Works of the Senses/Faculties of the Skull
18. Aerials
19. It's Not O.K...
20. B.Y.O.B.
21. Liberation Frequency
22. War?
23. The Refused Party Program
24. Soldier Side

Let the thrashing against the Man begin!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back to School

"It's the beginning of a new age."~The Velvet Under- ground.

Here it is, folks. The last semester of my collegiate career and the last semester of my life as a student. I am ready for it. It seems like only yesterday when I was walking four blocks to St. John's for grade school. Just a minute ago, I was roaming the halls of Camden Catholic. And seconds ago when I was starting my time at this lovely institution called "La Salle University." Now, the final breathes of my life as a student have started. And it feels good. I have a pretty packed line-up of classes with lots of fresh faces and new professors. I'm coming full circle more or less. In my Contemporary fiction class, Melissa from Puclic Speaking Freshman year is in it along with Lou who was in my first Comm course. I have Oppliger again and Bro. Gerry for the first time. Ray, Romans, Ed, Colleen, Chwastyk and Gwux are also in random classes so It's going to be good.

Currently, I am working on my "thesis" statement. As a Film Track, I think it should be required for us to make a film (although it isn't.) So, I am writing and directing a film which will be titled "Lack of Expectation" as my thesis for my collegiate career. It is based on the styles of Jim Jaramuch's Coffee and Cigarettes and Hal Hartley's Theory of Acheivment. Basically, it's conversations laden with philosophical, existential, bohemian and nonsensical conversation about what life is giving us after this huge institution ends for us.

People expect something out of life. Why? Why do I have to make myself something or someone that I may not necesarily be. I know what I want to persue, but I'm not expecting to do it and be great at it. I hate the question "So, what are you doing after graduation?" I say "I want to focus on right now, not on after graduation." Let me finish this first, then move to the next step. Planning is suposedly good, but why think ahead rather than live in the now. That's basically the jist of the story. It deals with school, friendships, love and other relatonships that appear to be coming to an end, but in reality are just beginning.

The script is coming along well. I enjoy the topics I have addressed and there is a lot of room for people to ad lib or become themselves or someone else through the ideas that I have brought up. It's going to take a lot of work, but I plan on having it done before the end of the semester. It's my own private goal.

On a totally different, yet similar topic, I feel that this "Tralfamadorian" way of thinking is working extremely well. I look at each day for what it is, and each person for who they are at that moment in time, and know that things are fine. Things will work out and if not, it's not in my hands directly. I used to not believe in fate, but I think that has all changed. Especially with my new relationships, I find that it is refreshing to have someone on the same page as you, living in that same moment of time exactly (well, maybe not exactly but similarly) the way that you are. And that is the most important thing in a relationship. If you and the other person have two different mindsets on life, wether it be optimisim, realism, depressed, anxious, etc.. it just won't work. And I may be over confident, but I know that this new relationship is going places that I have needed for a while. And I think they know that too.

So here's to the beginning of the end of the beginning. It's almost time to move on. Until then, I'm going to soak it all up as much as possible.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I'm Not Here, This Isn't Happening

As 2006 rolls along, a lot of awesome things are going on. But one thing is going pretty harshly. My family. For the first time ever, things are going wrong with the fam. My sister is in really bad shape and I want everyone who reads this to keep her and my parents in your thoughts. I don't have much else to say, but things are really hard at home. So if you ahve a couch, extra bed, or a floor and sleeping bag, I may be escaping my house. A lot. Even more than before.

On a side note, I am newly addicted to this freaking Buckley compilation. Get it now. It's really freaking good. The Buckley's know how to write heart wrenchingly amazingly beautiful lyrics. And they do them amazingly, but its fun to hear artists who are influenced by these great talents do it their way. Esp. The Magic Numbers another new freind in my musical library. Check both of them out.

Also, instead of Grace being my daily album, January is looking like Sufjan Stevens everyday at least once. God I love music.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Top 10 Albums of 2005

I have finally devised my Top 10 Albums of the year. Here we go.

10. The Gorillaz' Demon Days- Feel Good Inc. and I'm not talking the song. Just an all around fun album chock full of great dance tunes and a blend of rock, indie, hip-hop and whatever else you want to describe this as. You can't beat an album that has Dennis Hopper on it.

9. The Magic Numbers- Their self-titled debut is definitely wins best new artist and is an altogether solid album. Vocalist throws back to Cat Stevens and the female accompanyment just plain rules. The mix of Rockin' guitars, catchy hooks, yet unique tones and vocal styles makes this stand out.

8. Neil Young's Praire Wind- This album (written with a new brain and after the death of his father) sounds like the good old days of Neil with the similar sounds of some of his classics (Harvest, American Stars And Bars) but is entirely unique in itself as well. Neil never fails to shine.

7. Dream Brother- A Tribute to Tim and Jeff Buckley- Yet another new discovery, I usually don't like to include compilations on my lists of great albums, but these versions of the songs are a great tribute. The stand outs are Magic Numbers version of Tim's "Sing a Song For You" and Bitmap's electronic fused version of Jeff's "Dream Brother." Also, Sufjan Steven's rendition of "She Is" is beautiful. A tribute to two great talents.

6. Nine Inch Nail's [With_Teeth]- Trent Reznor is a genius and this album has a uniquely different feel to it then his past efforts (which are all amazing). You know it's a Nails album, yet when listening to certain songs (especially the first track "All The Love In The World") you feel as if you are in some new venture in his life and career. "Only" was also a standout song with brilliant bass and drum work that hits home. Great deal, Trent. Probably your best album since Downward Spiral. And that was 11 years ago.

5. The White Stripes' Get Behind Me Satan- Piano takes over Jack White's mind on this brilliant work. Yes, I said brilliant. Touching love songs like "As Ugly As I Seem" fun mandolin jams like "Little Ghost" and balls to the wall blues and rock in "Red Rain" and "Blue Orchid" make this yet another tour de force in their career. The strange diversion may seem a little too strange at first, but it'll grow on you hardcore. If you aren't a huge fan, you may like this one because it is drastically different at times then any other Stripes album. And thats the draw.

4. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's Howl- A taste of Dylan and Young will drastically change any bands outlook on rock music and this band known for its retro rock sound takes a different turn on this album. "Ain't No Easy Way" is a toe-tapping folk jam reminiscent of Led Zeppelin III songs like "Hots Off to Roy Harper." "Promise" is the stand out track with epic piano licks. If you have no idea what this band is like, this is a big diversion for them, but a much welcomed one.

3. Sufjan Stevens' Come On! Feel The Illinoise!- When I heard the idea behind the album, I thought "that's a goofy gimmick". But an album based on a states history can turn into a folk/indie/Wes Andersonesque escapade into catchy and beautiful song writing. Sufjan invents a new genre mixing so many different sounds and writing brilliant songs like the simplistic "John Wayne Gacy, Jr." to the epic "They Are Night Zombies!" The more you listen, the more you need to continue listening. Let's hope the other state albums are just as good. I can't wait for New Jersey!

2. The Raveonettes' Pretty in Black- Retro rock at its finest. A band known for massive feedback and loud guitars drop some of this feel on this album and bring you back to the innocent days of rock. Only innocent in sound. The lyrics are dripping with innuendo and give a great feel to the sounds of surf/Spector sounding rock songs of the past. One of the greatest love songs of our age is also on this album ("Uncertain Times".) Sharin Foo drops the bass and sings much more on this album. Their songwriting has taken huge leaps and bounds ahead. Exciting times lie ahead for one of the best newer artists. Only after two and a half albums, they are one of the best bands around. See them live!

1. Stephen Malkmus and the Jick's Face the Truth- Malkmus knows how to write songs. Both catchy, silly addictive and brilliant, this album will not let you down. Kicking off with an insane Wowee Zowee-esque freak jam "Pencil Rot" and ending with the beautiful and simple "Malediction", the album does not let down and lasts after continued listening. He needs to go back on the road for this album. It is simply amazingly great. Nothing beats an album of all around solid songs with not a dull moment on the entire album. Check it out!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Discoveries

Here are my two new discoveries that anyone reading this needs to check out. Starting in chronological order of me finding them.

Tim Buckley's Happy Sad- The father of Jeff and a songwriter of amazing proportions, Tim Buckley also died at a very young age and before he could ever get to know his own son (which is kinda freaky since their styles are similar in some ways). I bought his album Happy Sad without knowing what he sounded like at all. And much to my surprise, it immediately blew my mind with its amazingness. It's a lot on the line of Van Morrison's Astral Weeks, but it has a style and quality of its own. The aura the listener receives when listening to it is really bright and life-affirming. Tim plays a Twelve String Guitar which adds so much sound and quality and warmth to the songs. A lot of other great instruments (like vibes and bass marimba) also give it a great style. All around excellent songs with compelling lyrics. Definitely check it out.

Woody Allen's Match Point- So I've been hearing buzz about the new Woody Allen film, and when I heard this, I was quite skeptical. I looked back at his last few efforts, and they all looked sub-par. So tonight, me and my dad were to go on an excursion to see Kong, but it was only playing late and I didn't want to see it later at night (mainly because I know my dad can't sit through 3 hours plus of Kong.) So we see Match Point. We both agree that it is by far the best picture of the year. There is no way this film isn't. From start to finish, you are compelled by the characters and sucked into the vortex of lies, sin and deceit that is slowly building to an intense climax. A huge moral and ethical delimma consumes the main character and you are right along side of him. Its dark and there is very little comedy from a comedic genius. Set in London and NOT New York as most would expect, this is not your typical Woody Allen film. This goes right up there with his other great films like Manhattan and Crimes and Misdemeanors and may very well be his greatest film yet. Definitely see it in theaters. It will shock you how great it is.

Thats all for now.

Monday, January 09, 2006

9 Days of Yes

2006 has already exceeded my expectation of being a great year and it has only been 9 out of 365 possible days. Each day has been great. This is not to say that it can go terribly wrong, but its starting off the way it should. It's safe to say that it's so on for this year. And here are the reasons why.

1. New Beginnings- Meeting new like-minded folk is always a great way to start a year. And I thank my decision to hang out at Carly/John/Jill's on New Years to this. New people, and some of the old faces I don't see enough are going to play an integral part in my life. Collingswood will no longer be a void in my life. I will be there lots. And I will also be visiting NYC as much as humanly possible.

2. Last Semester of La Salle Career- With only 15 weeks of classes left till my existence as a student is over, I will soon be thrown into the real world. And I am totally stoked for this. Besides having interesting classes, internship (see #3) and my final days as a DJ and Editor for the Leeg, I will have my last chances at good times with the crews of Uber street and the Commuter lounge.

3. Internship- Working for the Philly Film Fest is going to be a huge experience. I am so excited to have been selected to rock this out. And I feel like it could either lead to a possible job, or at least just good times with the community of Philly in which I want to become a part of. Godspeed on this one!

4. Road Trip- Wether I go it alone, bus it with friends or get in a car and go, I am seeing this country right after school gets out. I need to see the following places: Chicago, The West Coast, A Few National Parks and thats about it. I'll also see whatever else is around there just to get a taste of the USA before I try and hightail it out of this country in the next ten years.

That's about that for the first half of the year. The rest of it I'm not looking forward to btu not because im afraid of what its going to bring. But it's in the future. Ill see it when that moment arrives. I'm sure summer will be good, i'm sure I'll find a job, and I'm sure the rest of the year will involve working, making money and saving to move into the city. But who knows. We'll see how it goes.

As for the past 9 days. Thank you. Smiles and good times all around. No more pessimism on this end. It's finally back to normality. I thank certain people for that. You no longeer make me frown or feel bad and you all bring smiles and good feelings to my heart.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Odyssey and Oracle

2006 is here and the Lord above knows that it started on the right foot. First off, hats off to the great host and hostesses of the Haddon Ave Three's Company house. John, Jill and Carly, you know how to control the atmosphere of your gatherings. You make the good times roll. I got to meet new people, get to know people I knew sort of even better and I got a New Year's wish come true. You could say that this was the finest New Years celebration I've ever attended. I just hope things that have began to be set in to motion continue on the same great pace.

The next day, I got to see my buds at the Dr. Carey after party and play some Apples to Apples. I missed them much this New Years, but I will be seeing them this weekend at the 3rd Leo Retreat Weekend that I myself have attended. It shall be an awesome cast with the addition(s) of Simon and Dom. This would rule due to the fact that they will meld with this crowd (as Simon already has) so well. Good times will be had surely.

Last night was a game of World Domination A La Risk. The Black Army was looking really bleak in the first few hours of the game, yet we stayed in power in the middle of Eurasia until the last turn of the entire game. Thank the lord for my Politician Stance towards Risk. It was fun times with the guys.

Tonight, the true test of my readiness to move on with my life will take place. It is an Odyssey that I will set sail on. I think I might have found a person with like mindedness and with a great outlook on life. So here's to you, 2006 for begining the way it should. With the return of the Cockeyed Optimist outlook on life rather than the self-loathing of 2005.

PS- Rush is a band that gets the shaft due to Geddy Lee's voice and their cheesier 80's songs, yet their 70's stuff fucking owns. Find a copy of the Zombies' Odyssey and Oracle... an amazing album.