Monday, February 06, 2006

Steel City Baby!

Since about the 7th grade, my infatuation with my PA brothers from the west has always had a spot in my heart. That, of course, is the Steelers. Jerome Bettis and Bill Cower have always had a special place in my all time favs of football. And I've always felt bad that they had missed out on the grand occasion that is the Superbowl. And this year, I knew, was there year. It took a long time to come. So in full battle regalia, myslef, Dino, Dr. Ryan Carey, Stev and Hyslop traversed to Starters Pub near Bethlehem PA to enjoy the game at the #1 spot to see the Steelers play with Mr. Danno Somavilla. It was GLORIOUS! Beyond Dino rockin' some LaSallian girls digits, having a waitress who not only was super cute and cool, but gave me special a winning ticket for a Terrible Towel, good food, Steel City Beer! and of course, A Steelers Win!! Jerome Bettis can retire with a championship that he totally deserved after years of service. This past week (and two weeks at that) have been pretty downer. Lonely, boring and let downs all around, This was the way to start it all up again.

Let's hope life in all terms gets a jump start with this glorious victory for the Steel City. It's a good prelude to the goods.


Face of Spades said...

Junior, I am super pumped for your upcoming emancipation. Let's show the world how we do it, New-Testament styleeeeee!

d said...

congrats on no more wow.

we've all waited for this day.